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Operations Strategy Case Study

Case Title:
City Couriers: Dilemma in Design Experiment
Publication Month and Year : December 2009
Authors: R. Muthukumar
Industry: General Business
Region: India
Case Code: BRM0006
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
John Britto (Britto) is an operations manager at City Couriers in Hyderabad. The
company carries out its delivery operations through its own vans in the four south
Indian states. It operates on a ‘hub and spoke’ delivery system. However, sensing
the business potential of other regions, the company wanted to expand its presence
across the globe. For this, Britto decides to increase the company’s fleet of vans
but has to decide amongst five various brands with respect to their operating
costs. To finalise the best brand for his company, he experiments on the five
brands with 5 drivers over a five week period and collects the data (average cost
per mile). He uses the Latin Square Design method to analyse the collected data
and decide about the purchase to be made.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To understand the concept of Latin Square Design
- To understand when to use the design.
Keywords : Marketing Research, Latin Sqaure Design, Delivery System, Hub and Spoke Delivery System, Factors, Rows, Columns, Treatments, Degrees of Freedom